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e.thirteen 品牌店

关于该品牌 e.thirteen


There is nothing more annoying than a rebounded chain, a not working chain guide.
Obviously there were many of those otherwise e*thirteen would not be what it is now: leading manufacturer in chain guides. e*thirteen combines the features stylish, stable, functional and light in its products. Because of that numerous World-Cup Downhill Racer trust in the performance of the products from Leominster on the american East Coast. The ease of installation and the great compatibility of the directions guarantee a stress-free drive.
Because there is nothing more annoying that a non-functioning chain guide.


在HIBIKE的e.thirteen品牌商店中,你将会发现总共有3种不同的产品,而且价格无可匹敌,全球送货。 飞轮 山地, 导链板 零配件.
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