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Exustar 品牌店

关于该品牌 Exustar


Exustar was founded in 1993. In the beginning it concentrated on high-end pedals. The Exustar engineers were convinced that they could help the competitive athletes with a fully integrated clipless pedal system to effect their performance. In 1995 Exustar started to manufacture bicycle shoes as well as clipless pedals.

Meanwhile Exustar produces matching shoes for summer and winter. All shoes of Exustar are specially adapted to the particular weather conditions, hydrophobic or warming in the winter. The sole of every shoe consists of a flexible and hard-wearing fiberglass. All products from Exustar are manufactured with the highest quality.


在HIBIKE的Exustar品牌商店中,你将会发现总共有1种不同的产品,而且价格无可匹敌,全球送货。 脚踏 踏板 山地 / 全地形.
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