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Magura 品牌店

Magura Online Shop - brakes and spare parts

Magura - Powerful brakes from Germany

关于该品牌 Magura



As he was a pioneer in 1987 MAGURA made hydraulic brakes for bikes acceptable. The knowledge from about 50 years of developing brakes for BMW motorcycles made these technology transfer possible. There are good suspension forks and good disc brakes. But the interplay is not perfect yet. Not so with MAGURA suspension forks, that are specially conceived under the main focus disk brake use.


MAGURAs are legendary reliable. The components are showered with praise by the press for years. Since 1998 about 25.000 reader of the magazine »Mountain Bike« selected MAGURA eleven times in a row as »Best Brand« in the category brakes.
MAGURA brakes work with mineral oil, and because of that they are easy to handle and over years maintenance free.


MAGURA grants a unique 5-year guarantee on the tightness of brake handle, -cylinder and -calliper of all breaks, if you register your brake online on magura.com after purchasing it.


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