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Spank 品牌店

关于该品牌 Spank


Founded in 2003 in Germany Spank nowadays is an internationally grown brand. The product range of MTB components includes everything from dirtjump to all mountain. No other brand is so widespread in the german dirt scene and creates new trends over and over again.
Spank was as the first brand successful in implementing the biker lifestyle in image and design of components.
Therefor Spank won i.a. an ISPO Brand New Award.


在HIBIKE的Spank品牌商店中,你将会发现总共有5种不同的产品,而且价格无可匹敌,全球送货。 鞍座, 车把把套, 车圈 轮刹 26英寸, 车圈 碟刹 27.5英寸/650B, 把立 前型 (A-Head).
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